Jul 152013

Lovely Munich Sunset


It’s München in the Bavarian region, and in the north as a Berliner told me the U, and Ch has its own pronunciation or they will just call it Munich. I was here in München from July 8th, for three nights.

München is a beautiful city with grand architecture. It is a modern city, and in terms of shopping, I think it is better than many modern cities as you could also get many hand made items. The locals were friendly to me about 75% of the time. I found it 100% efficient when it came to things like getting service at the central train station. It seems many are good in their task area or job area, and if you ask anything outside of that area they are clueless, and will most definitely be directed to another area where someone specializes in it.

The locals tend to become extra friendly when you drink with them. Munich has people from the world over, and at times I could feel the tenseness of certain areas as I was living about 20 minutes away from the central area. You will find people from other areas of Germany, some Austrians, Italians, and from other neighboring countries, and from around this blue globe.

I hope the pictures below will provide some entertainment or some type of value for you.

Many thanks for reading this post.

Munich5 Munich4



 Posted by at 5:23 pm

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